Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

nursing task

 Contextual exchanges
a. A visit to the Hospital Kunjungan ke Rumah Sakit
Visitor: Hello, Joni, How are you? You look fine? Pengunjung: Halo, Joni, Apa kabar? Kamu kelihatan
Patient: Hello, Hadi! I’m much better, thanks. I’m
allowed to sit up now.
Orang yang sakit: Halo, Hadi! Saya telah mulai baik,
terima kasih. Saya telah diperbolehkan duduk
Hadi: I’m glad to hear that! What was it? Pneumonia? Hadi: Bagus! (Saya senang mendengar itu). Apakah
penyakitnya? Radang paru-paru
Joni: Yes, I had a bad cold and cough, but I was so
busy, I just kept on working. Then the cough got worse,
and my temperature went up, and I nearly collapsed.
Joni: Ya, saya mendapat pilek yang hebat, dan batuk,
tetapi saya begitu sibuk, saya terus saja bekerja.
Batuknya bertambah, dan panasnya naik. Dan hampir
habis kekuatan saya.
Hadi: How long di you have to stay in the hospital? Hadi: Berapa lama kamu harus tinggal di rumah sakit?
Joni: Two more weeks, I think. The
last X-ray was better, but I’m not well enough to go
home yet. I still feel weak.
Joni: Dua minggu lagi, saya rasa Ronsen yang terakhir
baik, tetapi saya belum sembuh benar untuk pulang.
Saya masih merasa lemas.
Hadi: I think you’re in goods hands here Hadi: Saya rasa kamu dalam perawatan baik di sini
Joni: Yes, indeed. The doctors and nurses are wonderful Joni: Memang, Dokter dan jururawatnya baik sekali
Bill: There’s the bell. I have to leave now Bill: Itu bel sudah berbunyi. Saya harus pergi sekarang
John: Thanks so much for your visit John: Terima kasih kembali. Saya harap kamu lekas
b. What’s the matter? What’s
wrong What the matter
with you is? What’s wrong with you?
Ada apa? Mengapa anda?
I have a headache
a stomach-ache
a toothache
an earache
Saya sakit kepala
I have a cold
I’ve caught a cold
Selesma (masuk angin)
I’ve been sneezing and sniffling and blowing my nose
all morning
Dari pagi saya bersin-bersin dan mendengus, dan
membersihkan hidung
I have a sore throat.
Saya sakit tenggorokan
Saya sakit batuk
Saya sakit influenza
I have a fever Saya sakit demam
(Kadang-kadang “temperatur”/suhu badan dipakai untuk “fever”)
He has a high fever
He has a high temperature Suhu badannya tinggi
He has temperature of 38,9
His temperature has gone down Suhu badannya turun
His temperature is normal Suhu badannya normal
Take his temperature Ukurlah suhu badnnya
How do you feel? Bagaimana rasanya?
I don’t feel very well Saya merasa tidak begitu enak badan
I feel sick Saya merasa sakit
Sick: arti umumnya: sakit, sama dengan ill; sick juga dapat berarti mual
I feel sick = I feel like vomiting/ I feel like
throwing up – muntah
Juga: I have an upset stomach
Airsick - mabuk waktu terbang
Ceasick - mabuk waktu berlayar
Car - mabuk waktu naik mobil
Homesick - rindu kampung halaman; ingin pulang
To ache juga berarti merasa sakit.
My whole body aches
Seluruh badan saya merasa sakit
Children’s diseases Penyakit anak-anak
Smallpox Cacar
Measles Campak
Mumps Gondongan/ gondok
Whooping-cough Batuk kodok (kinkhus)
Chicken-pox Cacar air
Polio (infantile paralysis) Sakit lumpuh (polio)
Diphtheria Dipteral
These diseases are all contagious Penyakit-penyakit ini semuanya menular
Some of them can be prevented by
Ada diantaranya yang dapat dicegah dengan vaksinasi
Have the children been vaccinated yet? Apakah anak-anak sudah dicacar (disuntik)?
Yes, they have just had their smallpox
Ya, mereka baru dicacar
They have been vaccinated against
(Melawan sakit cacar)
Other illness Penyakit-penyakit lain
Dysentery Mejan, disentri
Tonsillitis Sakit amandel
Appendicitis Sakit usus buntu
Pneumonia Radang paru-paru
Indigestion Pencernaan makanan kurang baik
Rheumatism Encok, rematik
Heart trouble Sakit jantung
High blood pressure Darah tinggi
Diabetes Kencing manis, penyakit gula
Hepatitis, jaundice Sakit kuning
Tuberculosis TBC
Malaria Malaria
Cancer Kanker
Dengue Demam berdarah
c. At the Hospital Di Rumah Sakit
He’s in (the) hospital Ia di rumah sakit
He has to go to (the) hospital Ia harus pergi ke rumah sakit
He was taken to (the) hospital Ia dibawa ke rumah sakit
He went by ambulance Ia dibawa ke rumah sakit pakai ambulans
Please phone Emergency and call for an
Toonglah, telpon nomor Darurat, dan minta dikirim ambulans
He has to be operated on
He has to have an operation
Ia harus dioperasi
He has been operated on
He has had an operation
Ia telah dioperasi
The operation was successful Operasinya berhasil
Was he under anesthesia Apakah ia dibius?
What are the visiting hours? Jam berapa terima tamu (waktu kunjungan)?
The visiting hours is from eleven to twelve Waktu kunjungan dari jam 11 sampai 12